Valentines Day Two Dozen Fresh Rose Bouquet

A luxury arrangement of 24 fresh red roses in a box or wrap with free local delivery.
Valentines Day Special
A beautiful arrangement of two dozen red roses, fresh flowers, arranged in a bouquet box and delivered locally free of charge.
A real show stopper for an extra special day!
If you have a specific request then please send us a note when you order.
Need us to write the card for you? Just add a note, or if you prefer to pick them up, just tell us when you will be popping in!
We deliver free within the Widnes, Hale, Speke, Halewood, Aigburth, Garston area, any further afield please get in touch.
Valentines Day delivery will commence from 9am and should be pre-ordered by 12th February.
Collections will be ready from 9am on the Monday 13th but please state you wish to collect Monday at checkout.
Images are for illustrative purposes only. The flowers you receive may vary.